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E-Filing Update

The Franklin County Probate Court’s previous “go live” date of March 3rd for e-filing of decedents’ estates and trusts has been postponed to a date TBD. 

The county’s existing e-filing system has been experiencing issues since an upgrade on February 17th.  Although court staff and outside vendors have been working diligently to address these issues, the court has determined that it will not be possible to set a firm date for e-filing of decedents’ estates and trusts at this time.
We continue to work toward establishing a court-wide e-filing system in the first half of 2025.  Please return to this page for future updates. 


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Minor Settlement Hearings

Beginning on May 6, 2024 we will schedule minor settlement hearings, electronically, every Monday afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  and every other Thursday afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  We will have four open hearing slots each afternoon. 

Hearings will continue to be scheduled using the “e-hearing locator.”  The e-hearing schedule has been updated to reflect this change.  As before, a proposed entry setting hearing must be uploaded with the appropriate hearing date to the e-filing system.

Our minor settlement hearings will continue to be held via zoom, unless counsel requests a live hearing.

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